The Board in conjunction with the Principal, sets the strategic direction for the School, initiates and reviews overarching School Policies, monitors the School's performance in line with the Strategic Plan, and ensures compliance with the School Constitution and all legislative requirements.
The Board comprises up to 12 skilled, astute and committed members, with four appointed by the Board, three to seven elected at the School Annual General Meeting held in May each year, and the Principal ex officio as a non-voting member.
Board membership requirements are identified using a skills matrix so that the governance of the School is managed by professionals with a broad range of specific expertise and experience. This ensures that the decisions are informed and interrogated where required, resulting in best practice direction for Pembroke.
Members of the School community who would like to be considered for membership of the School Board are asked to complete the Board Member Nomination Form and email it along with their resume to
The Nominations Committee established under the School Constitution considers and assesses all nominations received against the Board Skills Matrix. The Nominations Committee then recommends appropriate candidates, who in addition to meeting the fit and proper person eligibility, have relevant expertise, skills and qualifications, to the School Board for further consideration.
To be considered for membership of the School Board, the School Constitution requires that nominations be received at least three months prior to the Annual General Meeting. Accordingly, Board member nominations close the first Friday in February each year.
Board-Appointed Committees
The School Board is supported by Board-appointed committees which assist with the work of the Board. These committees are Building & Infrastructure, Finance, Foundation Board, Governance and Risk & Compliance. The Investment Sub-Committee is also Board-appointed but reports to the Board through the Foundation Board. The Major Building Projects Committee includes membership from the Building & Infrastructure and Finance Committees and is initiated to facilitate progression of a Major Infrastructure Project when required.
Each committee has the applicable specialist expertise, allowing members to advise and make recommendations to the Board. The Foundation Board Committee also has specific delegations with respect to philanthropy and investment management.
Members of the School community who would like to be considered for membership of a Board-appointed committee are asked to complete a Governance Expression of Interest Form and email it along with their resume to All Board Committee nominations will be assessed by the Nominations Committee against any vacancies on Board Committees. Committee member appointments are then determined by the School Board based on recommendations from the Nominations Committee.
For further information regarding the School Board and Board Committees, please contact Wendy Wills, School Board Secretary.
Meet our School Board Members
Life Members
Life Membership is bestowed upon individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the School.
To view all Pembroke Life Members, please click here.