The documentation and display of School Archives is an ongoing enterprise. Managed by the School Archivist with the support of volunteers, memorabilia is documented and carefully preserved. Memorabilia is often on display at various locations around the School or used for special School events.
Donations to Archives are always gratefully received and can be lodged using our online form. We are delighted to receive so many different types of memorabilia, such as photographs, school ties, old magazines, china, books, trophies, posters, or items of clothing or textiles from King’s, Girton or Pembroke school days. It is important to know that they are cared for in an environment that understands their importance as well as documents their connection to the School.
The School Archives is situated at 51 Park Road, Kensington Park and is open to visitors during the term time by appointment. Archive queries can be directed to
Remember – Archives Matter!
Pembroke Gallery

Girton Gallery

King's Gallery