Pembroke School applauds our Class of 2024 on their exceptional results across the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) which build upon our long history of academic success.
Three of our outstanding Year 12 students achieved a perfect score in 2024. Our Dux of SACE James Le recorded 7 Merits, resulting in his 99.95 ATAR. In the IB Diploma Programme, our 2024 School Co-Captain Enoch Osei-Tutu and fellow Pembroke graduate Luca Shin scored 45 out of 45 (99.95 ATAR equivalent). As well as receiving the highest grade of 7 for each of their subjects, they also achieved A grades for both Theory of Knowledge and Extended Essay.
Beyond SACE and IB, 28 Pembroke students completed one or more semesters of university studies, with 4 participating in the University of Adelaide’s Headstart program, 20 in the Flinders University Extension Studies program and 4 through the UniSA ACCELERATE program. Of these, 15 students achieved a High Distinction in two semesters, giving them a perfect scaled score of 20.0 towards their university aggregate, while 9 received a Distinction or more in two semesters, giving them a scaled score of 19.8 or 19.9 towards their university aggregate. In total, our students earned a phenomenal 50 High Distinctions/Distinctions.
2024 was also another fantastic year for Pembroke students undertaking Vocational Education and Training, with 80 completing a VET course in conjunction with their SACE studies.
The remarkable results and achievements reflect the commitment and dedication of our amazing students, devoted teachers and supportive families who work in partnership to reach these significant milestones in the lifelong learning journey.
View the 2024-2025 edition of Aim High to read more about our student achievements.

To view Year 12 results from previous years, please take a look at our students’ History of Success.