Across all aspects of our many and varied programs, we emphasise personal growth, integrity, respect for differences in others, the exploration of spiritual values, resilience, an appreciation of the environment, a sense of social responsibility and care for others.
Student wellbeing is core to our learning and caring culture. This is being enshrined through our Strategic Plan 2030 which features the creation of the Pembroke Learning and Caring Framework to ensure students are at the heart of everything we do, a reimagined, personalised and data-driven Inclusive Education Program for diverse learners, and the revitalisation of the Pembroke Chapel Program reinforcing spiritual, moral and ethical development while fostering interfaith understanding in a pluralistic society.
In Junior School, our dedicated educators guide our youngest learners from ELC to Year 6, working in close partnership with parents to ensure each child is known, cared for and connected, and leading social and emotional learning programs with a strong focus on skill development. As students enter and progress through Middle School, the House system and Home Groups provide a home base for social, emotional and spiritual development. In Senior School, we facilitate the shift to a young adult pre-university campus with recalibrated pastoral care where collaboration, shared experiences and peer modelling are embraced by our Year 11 and 12 students. Home Groups are also a cornerstone in Boarding, which we regard as our fourth Sub-School and cultivate as a home away from home for our boarders.
Our pastoral care structures are supported by various age-specific platforms including an exceptional Health program across Years 7 to 9, our Social, Emotional and Personal Development (SEPD) program for Years 10 to 12 exploring mental health, wellbeing, respectful relationships and social responsibility, and our extensive outdoor education offerings – including our very own Environmental Education Centre on the Finniss River – fostering life skills and personal growth.
Our students are guided by a broad network of professionals including our Dean of Student Wellbeing, Head of Student Wellbeing (Junior School), Head of Inclusive Education, Psychologists, Pembroke Counselling Team and Registered Nurses who work in tandem with our Class Teachers, Home Group Teachers, Heads of House and Year Level Coordinators.
Additional support comes in the form of four-legged friends, with Pembroke’s faithful team of Wellbeing Dogs bringing care and comfort across our campuses. To complement our internal resources, the School regularly engages the expertise of visiting professionals for our students, and also for our parents through our Pembroke and Parents Partnership featuring information evenings on relevant topics for families.
Student leadership opportunities abound across the Sub-Schools where student voice sets the agenda, engaging young citizens in vibrant democracy and preparing them for life beyond school. Together with leadership, Pembroke’s learning and caring culture reinforces a steadfast commitment to service. Serving others, both locally and globally, is another imperative of our Strategic Plan 2030, with an ELC to Year 12 Service Learning Framework aimed at ensuring students experience the impact of their agency in shaping a hopeful future.
Wellbeing, leadership and service recently combined for our Respectful Relationships Student Symposium where Pembroke students invited young people from schools across Adelaide to create meaningful cultural change as we uphold diversity, inclusivity and equity for all.