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Get to know your old scholar community. Each month we'll introduce you to an old scholar so you can get better acquainted with your peers.

16 November 2023

Caroline Kemp (1994) is a producer and festival director. She has created and conceptualised world class events that have significantly contributed to the media, creative and event landscapes in Australia. As Director of Produced By, Caroline brings extensive experience in curating, programming and delivering art and cultural events and brand experiences Australia-wide.

Art in all its forms, is her raison d'etre (reason for being). She values, above all, the contribution of artists to the community and she has thought deeply about how she can positively impact the landscape of the human experience. Specifically, her purpose is to be a significant and influential contributor in bringing art, music and creativity to the lives of many.

We chatted to Caroline to find out more about her and the upcoming Jazz Festival.

What is your biggest career highlight?

I am hoping it is yet to come! I've become a music promoter and launched my own Jazz Festival called the Hot Jazz Picnic! I hope to bring it back to Adelaide one day!

Otherwise, I’ve thrown some very epic parties for Google over the years. People tell me years later that they were the best parties they've ever been to!

The best advice I have ever been given was...

Stay true to your purpose and know your values and principles. If you have these set out all decisions can be made according to your overarching life values. It was the most powerful work I've done to create these for myself.

What is the one thing you miss about Adelaide?

Believe it or not, the weather! We are all sick and tired of it raining here in Sydney! Give me a hot dry summer any day. I'd also say that I miss the festival, but that isn’t true - I come back for it every year. But of course, my parents are missed the most. And Fruchocs.

If you could have coffee with anyone in the world, who would it be?

I'm torn! At the moment it would be someone like Richard Branson so I could pitch investment on my new festival, but really it has to be Judi Dench. To keep your cheekiness and commitment to work as an Octogenarian I reckon she'd have some great coffee chat and some brilliant stories!

Name a dish that reminds you of your childhood.

Hot chips from the corner shop opposite Pembroke with chicken salt! Best chippies ever! That and spaghetti bolognese from Fasta Pasta.

What is something you are passionate about?

Community connecting through creativity. I believe creative experiences bring us so much joy and help us experience feelings outside of ourselves. And we all need a bit of perspective. I am always so moved by art and it makes me feel connected to something greater than myself. That's why I do what I do. Connecting community through music.

What's your pet peeve?

People saying Expresso. We all know it's spelt espresso, there is NO X in there : )

How do you start your day?

Every morning an 'espresso' in bed and then a run or the gym. I must move to stay sane. And then meditating before I start the day. It's all about setting myself up in the right frame of mind to be the best version of myself that day and every day – and sometimes these versions are different. But considering who I need to be to win the day, every morning is essential.

What's one thing you had to learn the hard way?

Self-worth. Took a very long time. But worth fighting for.

Which movie makes you laugh the hardest?

That triangle of sadness scene (those who know, know) had me laughing and LOLING all over the cinema. My goodness!

If you’re based in Sydney and want to come along to the Hot Jazz Festival, Caroline is offering 10% off of all tickets to our old scholar community!

To purchase tickets:
Enter the code: LOVEHOTJAZZ for 10% off